Türkiye lost :( My last hope has vanished and is gone. My Gawd! Why?! They were really much better than se Germans... Oh My! Imagine me saying all these things being amongst Germans.. after the game, that ended 3:2 (= dramatic) we went to "Alpenmax".. it's really a bad club- even worse than Flex in Vienna- but as it goes... Robert, Kai and his friend went with us. Inside the club my hunk ordered a bottle of Prosecco and than we hit the dancefloor to kiss/ dance ... no to kiss only really....and than home.... the night was so long- we fell asleep at five... Saubere Leistung :).
Now I gotta check the Wimbledon draws, news and do something for Uni. I would had to go there only to fetch a book I ordered- but what are men for?!
A tres, tres bientot
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