Last Thursday
Ahhhhhh okay, Filippo was missing today in the Italian History (of Society) course, but it was fun anyways! Well it was more or less 1,5 h of pure laughter. It started with me being late (like always, I do not recognise myself anymore! I used to be too early and now I am notoriously TOO LATE!!!!), and than we started shaking with Jana hehe, mainly because of Sir Shirt (= P.) haha. Well in this particular Course we talk about the Inquisition in Italy and about the church, which is maybe not the most interesting however also not the dullest thing on earth! Each single course two or one of us has to introduce his presentation to a topic. This time it was time for Monsieur Intellectualist et son ami! Monsieur I. is a guy , who spent like 7 years in Italy, and whose accent is so damn bad that even I feel embarrassed for him! Morevoerly he is just a darn nerd- one of the worst, he prefers to joke and flirt with our tutor and do jokes that are absolutely not funny (or maybe we, the average, thick students do not really get them?!)... anyways, he is out of this world, and Angelo ( smart, but egocentric and so much in love with himself that it hurts....)infected Jana, Me and Rou with his mad laughter... horrible :P.
Afterwards we had a blast with Jana (we walked through the Campus) about Sir Shirt- who was absent. Well while talking and laughing about him we suddenly...stumbled upon him!!! Ahhhh we were both so shocked, that we did not realize that he might had heard US!!!!Ahhhhhh I hope he did not...and surprise, surprise- he was standing in front of some faculty (no idea which one?!)- with Marco...HRRR HRRR... Marco is an Italian Exchange student, whose hotness is impossible to measure. It is good to know, he's still here. Well Mister Shirt ( aka Pinky) asked us about an Erasmus Party...well if Marco is there...why not?! I mean, looking at him is enough ;). We shall give it some hard time of thinking.... After leaving the hunks we wondered how mucho Shirty heard of our conversation (accidentally about him of course... blah!) and came up ( we are geniouses) with nicknames for him and my hunk... (Graf Para haha- word game from Paragraf... :P).
Next weekend's the Balkan-Bash, and I still do not know how to dance like they do?! Shirty tried to teach us, but it looks so riddiculous- I cannot believe anyone could dance LIKE THAT! Not even down there!
I wrote an Email to Eve yesterday. Today I got a notification from her mailbox- she is out of office- maternity stuff. I was so flabbergastred- I did not know that my cousin was preggers, not to talk about the fact she was back in Cameroon !!!!!!!!!!!! (If I got it right..). I should write Dee Dee one more time ....
Just came back from dinner, went out with Graf Para and unfortunately he also asked R. out (I could kill him for that)... I was slightly annoyed, and it was so damn difficult for me to hide it. When someone annoys me (and that happens indeed) I simply cannot do as though everything was fine- I try my best not to show how much someone annoys me (could hurt that person), but I am neither very kind towards the one....but today I tried my best, just because.... and than I had a special mission ( given my Graf Para and his buddy I guess...) so I had to get myself together.....
There is a party going on, one of the guys' sister (who is also the gf of another one here) celebrates her bday, and I should have been down there ages ago, but somehow I do not really feel like doing this, plus I had to do my Italiano Homework ... that reminds me of something really funny- usually when you move in a corporation house, you start to party (even ) more, drink like hell, you smoke and fail to study efficiently. In my case (Graf Para the same) the total opposite has happened : I drink less ( OH MY !), I party..okay not less, but smarter (?!) , I stopped smoking (just one cigarette from time to time) and I study more ( I have already filled my pensum in Norwegian- written more essays than the rest alltogether!). I am shocked- and so is the rest..since I seemed- according to them, like one who will drink every day ( I have a natural talent for that), party hard and forget university....either I am really growing up (help...) or it is someone's good influence on me... I have the impression its a mix of both these things?!
Oh and - not that I need it to boast around- certainly not- but my Norwegian Professor asked me to stay after classes, since she had to talk to me.. I was so scared.. ( you know, I also fear the worst)...well it turned out, that she gave me some good advice- concerning a different course, for what I am totally grateful (and Michi - I owe you something!), plus she asked me whether I had Norsk classes earlier , since I have- according to her- a sensational sense for languages. She liked my essays- telling me that, compared to those of the rest- they are outstanding. Believe me I was more than mildly surprised- I started the course this semester with a 2,5 week delay, and than THAT! She really made my day, and I am so happy she told me that- since this was another motivation-loaded ass-kick for me! Incredible! As though wings have grown out of my back :). I should go for it!
Be4 heading for my Italo Course today I went on a certain blog. And just because I hoped that the lady (since I sincerely doubt a guy could write such nonsense...after all gossip is generally a girlies domain)stopped her activity. Unfortunately she has not. Words just failed me all over again. But I was surprised to see an entry (in the comment's section) from Teija- a really nice one :). Well the rest is more or less- simply pitiable!
Okay, finishing now...I am just wondering whether Safin played (s) against his buddy Nikoshka today?! I forgot to look at the schedule / timetable. I am such a clumsy oaf! Anyways- Good luck....
I am done and out for now... maybe I should have at least one small cocktail... at least Graf Para's there.....
Ciao Ciao a tutti!
Okay Graf Para came upstairs to me :). It's these signs, that show me that he cares after all/ well I hope he does ..really! Anyways, he came upstairs and went straight into my room- and we talked a bit- well more or less made fun, and he made me jealous- I am jealous about him- he is such in love with one person! Any time you show him a pic of Ibrahimovic, I swear- you can see little hearts in his eyes :P .Than we had a brilliant idea, since we both felt the need to practise our English, we simply started to speak it med hverandre!Brillz!! It is so much fun, I tell you!
Well than he forced me downstairs- Gudi was already mucho mucho drunk, so it was fun! Calle sans Girlfriend was there, Flo, Jens ehm..ah Hermann (Gudi's BF, he is accidentally also in the co-operation)... well someone else...and luckily (heldigvis!!!!!!) R. was NOT!!!!! Graf mixed me a drink (you could not call it a drink by all means! It was vodka dyed with a tiny little bit of sirup and coconut butter!). Well I drank it, just because... than we played some game, and the person who lost a round, had to drink either a big shot
(= vodka), one bottle of beer or a drink mixed by Para ( =suicide!). Well guess who lost six times in a row?! Yeah... MOI!!! Well I must admitt that I was slightly tipsy :P. Well than Gu left her party (she was like..half-dead), con Hermann, and the other guy also went somewhere- Paul went to bed (he was sleeping at the house this night, he was ...too drunk to walk long distances), so only Calle , Jens , Flo, der Graf and my modesty were left.. I was just praying and praying and praying for him to give up the (generally very much) boring conversations, so we could go upstairs. I could had done the start, but senza keys there was no sense. Than, suddenly he said he was going to bed. And since I am a good girl, I told the rest, that I should do the same, since I had to get up very early (LIE!) for university! Hehe I was by the way really tipsy and hardly managed to get undressed quickly.... (by the way- I discovered the next morning that I missed to put the left contact lense into the thingy, where the liquid was- so one lense was all dried out, and I faced a major problem, since I was sitting there on Friday a quarter to two- running late for Italiano- with one lense in my eye, and the second one- dried out as a roisin on the inner side of my hand- close to freak out.... well imagine, that it is actually a lie, that you should give up a dried out lense- such bullshiz- you simply gotta put it into the contact lense liquid for a few minutes- and its like NEW!!!! HA! I have learned a lesson for life one more time!). Anyways, we went to bed and I fell asleep really fast- alcohol makes me sleepy as it seems... :/
Well on Friday a little tragedy happened- we woke up like a few times in the morning but agreed democratically too continue sleeping..than suddenly at around eleven something in the morning he got up . I was just thinking to follow suit, but something made me to stay in bed. Well it's as simple as that- all of a sudden R. came into the room- seeing a scene like in his bed- him not even fully dressed. Yes. Exactly like that.
Well just picture that he really still believes we did not hook up. Either he is blind or thicker as anyone I have ever met in my entire life. Of course it wasn't the nicest way to tell him, but I hoped it'll make it clear as the today's sky to him. But he still does not see nor understand it. Maybe one in-flagranti would do?! Though I am not really keen on that one! Well he even started to hit on me again- two hours later. Unbelievable.
I was running late (as written earlier ) and just wanted to say au revoir to Para, when he came up with a stupid saying (at the end when I was already on my way downstairs) like : Behave (im Original : Bleib anständig! ) with a warning sign. What a jerk! I am always behaving!!!! (oder etwa nicht?!).
I was late for Italiano, and everyone was laughing about me, the girls were asking (as always) in a choir about Digi digi, which caused the rest to laugh even wilder- they are umulig! :P. Everyone thinks now, that I was late because of THAT, though I did it on purpose ( hot outdoors, I was like- be as late as possible, so you get out of the class as fast as it gets). Smart solution, if there wasn't them laughing :P.
Went a la maison after the course and than packed, since I planned to spend the weekend in Rosdorf- hadn't seen Maika and Caro for ages. So it was high time! Oh man, everyone was still at home! I packed a few things together, put on a dress and left.
The weekend was cool, and it passed by so immensely quick! We emptied three bottles of white wine (Riesling, I am improving... I am getting ready pour Septembre :P ), and even succeeded to do a more or less tasty BBQ :P ( in that state it's like winning a gold OL Medal!). Arthur even came over, and today we were chilling on the terrace, baking ourselves under the sun ( I am broooooooown!), than had some food and back home . Well everything's goodie, Rudi just called me , and I managed to make him believe that I am gonna have absolutely NO TIME for the next year. Of course I'd like to go out with him- but as friends, and not as lovers-to-be! As long as he won't understand, I am not eager to meet up with him!
Than R. called me ( I was close to not answer it), inviting me for a movie, they (good sign, not alone) were watching, but again I was kind but bestemmt- I told him that I had to learn (well partly true), and once I finished doing my stuff I would probably join them. Dost!
Well my aunt (who lives close to Cracov - one of the most beautiful places on this planet by the way) told me to be pracautious. All in all it is indeed easier to share a flat, or in my case- a house with a bunch of guys, than with a girl (or even worse : a bunch of girls), but things may get complicated, once more than one of the guys show interest. I hate to say it, but she was so right. I will always be surrounded by problems and complicated situations, and there is absolutely no end in sight! Though for me it is an easy matter- I am into
It is already a quarter to ten, and I feel so exhausted (must be the incredible heat), I am listening to Jose Gonzalez, the ECH are due to start, and I have a very uneasy feeling in the stomache area. Okay I should start learn..or something similar at least... Gonna listen one more time to "Heartbeats" and than off I am!
A Bientot! Grosses Bises!
P.S Heute ist KINDERTAG!!!!! No matter how old you are, du bleibst immer jemanden sein Kind :P Also : Happy Kindertag für UNS!
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