We have Overslept- and only because- and now hold strong- because I forced him to go shopping with me at 10 p.m- and because I forced him to watch some Simpsons Episodes and Kalkofes Mattscheibe (hillarious comedy!!!!!). Oh puh-lease!
I spent so much money yesterday on food- I nearly went nuts! Okay- we share it - all our food anyways- but still! I still need to pay for my upcoming Toefl Exam (my last one's invalid...)- some 130 $... and I want ....! Since we overslept, and I cannot show up at university til 2 p.m I gotta read "Appelsinpiken" ( I gotta finish this damn book til Sunday) and start "Seta" soon...
P.S I have nicked his Laptop :) I am a good girl!
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