I did that yesterday! First we went to the German Theatre (yes honeys- even I attend pieces on a regular basis!)- to see a MASTERpiece written by Nikolay Gogol called "The Revisor"( Reflecting the absurd situation of Russia's society -not only in his times but it's deffo up-to-date). Afterwards we went to the library- you know- I do not wanna boast around much- but here in Gottinga we have a huge - one of the biggest- libraries..Simply perfect...anyways it was as good as deserted (I do not know what else to expect on a Friday eve- it was much over 22 p.m).. on our way there we met Said (his friend from Hannover) . We stayed in the library til 1 a.m-til they told us to get our assets out ;)- and I tell you- it was fierce- you gotta try THAT out. This was/ is one of the coolest aspects about studying here- going to the library on a Friday night, when it's dark and study there- man this is the new pastime within from now on! We have anyways a new genious plan : study in the library til 1 a.m than go clubbing (Savoy is very close) and than back again- to study :). Gorgeous
Footie final drawing nearer and nearer..if the Spaniards want to have a friend in me they gotta upstage the Germans- otherwise I am gonna boycott Spanish products/ Spain / even Rafa Nadal ;-).
Okay gotta finish my laundry, take the dishes downstairs and do something about my trashcan..
Buss buss busssssiiii
P.S MARAT is in the fourth round of Wimbledon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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