Perche noi?! Italia is out. It hurts so immensly. It is as if somebody ripped your heart out. Il calcio italiano means so much to me- and now this disaster! It is like 2004- when we did not survive the first round- though this drama seems worse to me....
So much was missing in this team- and I am not talking about spirit or something like this- but personalities- like Cannavaro, Nesta, Totti.... we need them back!
And LIPPI as well!!
I watched the game with the girls, Yannick and a few fellow Italians @ "Fellini" which is a ristorante- tipico italiano! We were all tifosi rooting for Italia- the atmosphere was so great- and than Spain kicked us out.
No Portugal, No Italia, Croatia out- only Tuerkiye remaining!!!
Well all I can tell myself now is : Siamo i campioni del mondo...
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