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Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Templeton Foundation hires anti-capitalist

Rod Dreher goes non-profit:
[At]t the end of this year, I'm leaving the Dallas Morning News, and will start a job as director of publications at the John Templeton Foundation in suburban Philadelphia. My primary job there will be to create and edit an online magazine called Big Questions Online. It's going to be a philosophically-oriented magazine that explores fundamental questions arising from science, religion, the free market and public ethics/morality -- Templeton's four big areas of focus.
Exactly what Dreher knows about science is a mystery, considering his long-time embrace of the global-warming hoax:
Our nation and our world have reached a crucible of near-cataclysm in our economy and -- with climate change -- in the environment, chiefly because we have refused to live within our means. . . .
"Given the cataclysmic disruptions forecast from climate change, in which humankind's carbon emissions play a role, and considering the informed forecasts of diminishing world oil supply, to continue to live this way amounts to 'national insanity.' "
-- Rod Dreher, Oct. 26, 2008
Dreher's ignorant hostility to free markets (inspired by anti-capitalist economist E.F. Schumacher) was the focus of my review of Crunchy Cons (see also Jonah Goldberg's evisceration.) Nevertheless let us be thankful for this news from Dreher:
This move is going to require a significant shift in my own writing. Templeton is not a sectarian or politically partisan organization. Therefore, my own political commentary will be drawing to an end at the end of this year.
Answered prayer.

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