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Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Szia Snoopy!

Today was a sad day. If alive, Snoopy would have celebrated his 13th birthday. I miss him so horribly. Every single day. In an English Oral Practice Course I decided to speak about the day he came to us. It was a memorable day. I thought a lot about the conclusion and moral aspect of the story and suddenly it struck me, that he actually found us. He chose us, to be his family. Not us him. He came to my Mom and started untieing her shoes. The more I think about it, the happier I get. Because it seems important to me. People talk about dogs not being really related to their owners. But they are! oh hell they are! I would like to add, that our current puppy also came to us. While being on the property that surrounds her factory Misia (our dog's name) simply came to my Mom and wasn't eager to leave.
Anyways this post is for you Snoopy.
I miss you!

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