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Thursday, December 24, 2009


21-year-old Rihanna is showing off her goodies on the cover of GQ mag… We guess she needs as much attention as she can since her last CD isn’t doing well!!

She talks about moving on after her split from Chris Brown.

“It’s relieving,” she told the magazine of talking to the press about her violent encounter with Brown early this year, “because it was built up for so long, and all these thoughts and emotions have been running through my mind for the past eight months. And now it’s like I finally get to let go and move on.”

“I wanted people to move on with me,” she continues, “’cause the last big thing they know about me is That Night. And I don’t want that to be what people define me as.”

She also responds to rumors that she is infected with the herpes virus:

“It’s not true. It’s a fucking scar. On my lip. That’s there every day of my life…..It’s not like it’s hard,” the Rated R star says of rumors that she has been diagnosed with the sexually transmitted disease. “It’s more ignorant. At first I was like, Are you serious? First I thought people were gonna definitely know that that’s not…But when I read it, and I see that people just buy into that…Like, the minute they see it, it forms something in their head….

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