We have literally Indian Summer here in Germany- try to picture these colours! They are simply amazing! And sunhsine all over the place! All my prayers have been answered. Just came back from a stroll with Seid, who is on his way to work now- night shift.. Just two more weeks, and he is done! Luckily. He was so bored yesterday, that I had to call him around 2 a.m!
Tomorrow I have an English Exam, which is going to test my skills ( I am starting with English Studies as well this term). I really can't wait. As if I didn't have enough exams last term.. You really never get enough...
I also got a mail from a really good friend of mine, I hadn't talked to for ages- so I am simply over the moon (though some other friends are causing trouble, and nothing more than trouble..)
Anyways- I am tired ( the only thing I mastered today was helping my Hunk and his Mommy cooking), just updating my Filofax (it's so gorgeous :P ) and than I am off Zzzzz... ( ha ha my Love is off to work, and I am sleeping in his parent's house :P.....).
Loads of love!
P.S It's getting exciting- got news from Mari (soon to be Mrs. Edhabi), that she and Youssef are getting married on the 17th.... :D . It is a pity I can't be there.. :(
Well at least I can send my thoughts there :).
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