Sat the second exam today- written italian- it was so damn difficult! The worst above all- our Prof thinks Assal and me- that we cheated- which is so untrue, because I do generally NOT cheat at exams (and I did not make an exception this time)- where is the sense in studying the stuff, if you cheat anyways and do not learn it than?! It's completetly reckless. Surely there are sometimes subjects, which aren't essential and not relevant to your job/studying field (= profile), but this are exceptions. I prefer not to cheat in that cases neither! Anyways do I hope that it is indeed over with the difficult ones for this semester! Of course we had our habitual ritual - Chai @ Coffee Bay (helped me last time to pass ....)Got to learn for the best of the rest- a few oral ones and my TOEFL test. Either way- I am still screwed. I am so grateful for having this wonderful guy on my side and my friends and my Mommy. Best support as it gets!
Just came back from the city- was shopping (grocery) with Funda and Assal.. and spent some hour just talking. Result?! Hunk waiting for food for over three hours... hehe.. I think Ulla was right, I am the type who's gonna walk out to buy a pack of cigarettes and come back after five years :)
Okay a bientot,
Wish me luck!
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