Today must be the...28th?! I have no idea- time goes by too quickly ....much too fast, really! Never thought I am gonna say that- but it's just like that!
Just came back from Uni/ Shopping- I am so darn effed up. I was supposed to do a presentation with Andrea- but allo we could find for our topic was 12 pages in a very suspiscious-looking book! Unbelievable! Just give youself that : Göttingen has one of the biggest libararies- it is huge- really huge- and than all you get is 12 pages. And I am really not the worst when it comes to research... well at least I am in the upper half.. we asked a woman, who accidentally works there to help us- til tomorrow we shall get two more books. I hope she keeps her word!
Afterwards we went for lunch- I had a craving for something green, and whom did we meet on our way to the Mensa (Cantine)?! ( it is also the person I was totally mad with yesterday)..oh I should add that I had a cigarette in my hand, which is no good (generally speaking.... well I reassured just lately a certain person, that I hadn't been smoking for ages of course..). It is a miracle, but I managed to hide it. He was on his way to his next lectures with Alex ( who is hmm... well). I was so mad at him- he was lucky that we both had company- Andrea and Alex- otherwise I would have killed him! It is okay with me, when he goes home- I would do it as often as I could as well if I had the possibility (= private jet), but he does know that I am one, who worries much (too much). Its the second time he did something like that! I have a vivid imagination- the fuck (sorry!) could have happened! Damn him! Luckily Marcel came over yesterday- so we watched House together with Calle, which was fun, since they both have this particular kind of laughter that automatically forces you to join them :).
Ania welcomed a baby boy yesterday!!!! Finally! It was high time :). He was actually to come along at the 18th (or even 17th?!), but she was told not to DARE to give birth on my birthday :P. I am awful I know . Well anyways- now he's not a taurus (which is a pity, since we are the best :P) but gemini- also quite splendid! Anyways : Wilkommen kleiner Mann!
And something really rough : I forgot Mother's Day :(((( I am such an awful piece of a child! And just give yourselves that : My brother remembered both- the Polish and the German one .He is such an idiot- could have reminded me. I am screwed either way...
I met Aneta at the Uni today- she was in my Italian Language Course, but she gave it a go. I intended to write her for.... ages?! Was cool to chat with her anyways. It was just a proof that you simply cannot go incognito to University. Sucks :P
I have moreover such a long (very much extended) to do list- and there is no end in sight. I need a secretary
( if possible : Male!), I need one so bad. Applications to my electronic mailbox please!!!!!!
What else?! Oh yes : It was Dunia's Birthday yesterday :)))). Once more : Happy Birthday Girl! And remember what you promised to do at my blind wedding next March :P.
This is all for now, my head's so empty , sucks !
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